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By Eva Cheng, Form 5A of Class 1968

It’s been 50 years since we entered Our Lady’s College in our neatly pressed, white school uniform. The alumni of class 1968 have great memories of the quality education we received from the dedicated teachers and the caring Salesian Sisters. We cherished the community spirit, the fun and joy, the challenges and anxiety we shared while preparing for adulthood. Best of all, we have gained strong everlasting friendship among classmates. These unbreakable bonds offer us mutual support through thick and thin in our lives.

Group photo of 1968 alumni and families, teachers and sisters

On reflecting my experiences in visiting our Alma Mater, I was most inspired by the cooperative spirit of the Salesian Sisters, the teaching staff, Past Pupils Association and current students. On September 29, I was delighted to attend the School Opening Mass. It was also the beginning of a year-long celebration for OLC’s 65th anniversary. The Mass was well attended by the Secondary School students, the teaching staff, parents and alumni. Auxiliary Bishop Ha, the celebrant, encouraged the congregation to live up to the Catholic and Salesian teachings and be proud of our School. We are to spread the message of love, faith and hope. The students participated with great respect and attention in their prayers and hymns. It was the first Mass I ever attended to have 6 female altar servers!

On another occasion, October 14, I attended the Orientation of the 2017-2018 Mentorship Program organised by the Past Pupils Association. The goals of the Program are to encourage students to think about their career interest, explore employment options, enhance job readiness and learn life skills. Mrs. Li, former Principal, gave an introduction about the history and purpose of the Mentorship Program. She demonstrated a teaching and learning model which is used to help teachers improve their classroom pedagogy. Then she paralleled it to the Mentorship Program which the Mentorship Team started 5 years ago. Different Mentors then talked about the details and processes involved. The attendees broke into small groups according to their career interest: Education, Medical, Science/Technology, Social Services, Business, Art/Design etc. Each group also shared ideas of the education and training requirements, career options and ways to reach their goals.

The fifteen Mentors present at the meeting truly showed their enthusiasm and commitment to nurturing the younger generation. For the next 7 months till May, there will be several meetings with the mentees for information sharing, preparation and setting up job shadowing logistics, inviting them to Mentors’ discussion luncheons, and post Mentorship Program reviews, etc.

The Cake Cutting Ceremony at dinner hosted by Supervisor, Sr Tso, Principal Sr Lim and Former Principal Mrs Li of OLC

I congratulate Mrs. Li and the Mentors and PPA for their dedication in inspiring and assisting the students in their career preparation. Your exemplary generosity offers them guidance in exploring their personality, interest, skills, values, strengths and weaknesses, which are all factors in determining their career path, and furthermore, their path in life. YOU offer them HOPE!


The Salesian Spirit continues to live in each one of us. THANK YOU!